FML SRSLY. Everyone's ignoring me now. This feeling sucks. I xxx you so much, but i don't want this feeling to stay for long because i rlly can't handle it well. I can't even handle myself well. Not to mention, xxx. I feel so insecure all the time with you. Any moment i thought i could lose you. H8 this feeling so much. That day, xxx and i spent the evening at the beach and when night came, we just gaze at the stars, having you side by side rlly seems lyka dream to me. It's just too perfect for me to handle. Too perfect that i couldn't believe it's real. I rlly wna take you away, to somewhere, only you and me belong to. I've got so much doubt. I can't even trust myself now, much less to say anyone else or even you. I appreciate every single thing you did for me. I'll nv throw away the hearts you fold for me on every bus ride. You're beyond my limits. I can't help myself anymore.
Depressed, xx.
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