Monday, August 02, 2010

Time would change but some things 'd never change

Tell me why some girls are so drop dead gorgeous+ hot+ sweeeet! Okay maybe it made me sound like i've a thing for girlies, but nooo, i'm just supa envy of some pwettygirls hehez baibai ^-^

Ohya ohya, regarding my r/s status, i've got countless number of guys/girls prompting me with the same qns, lol. Questions are all about the same: "Are u ok?" "Wht happen?" "Broke up?" "Who initiated?" "Are u sad?" etc etc. Thnks for the concern everybody, but some questions they ask is kind of obvious lol, anyway, i dislike having to reply the same ans to all of 'em, over and over agn. Imagine that.

I wish my wish would come true, 've been praying for it every now and then. I felt so bad about myself now. Rlly awful feeling. Sometimes at the thought of it, i just wna die. 've used so many of my 11:11 on it, so pls made it come true, i need it so badly. Even wished for it by tossing a coin at the marina bay sand wishing for it. Hope it'd come true lyk how true they say it is.

If only, xxx.

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